The U.S. Homeland Security Committee Transportation Subcommittee invited AFA to testify at a hearing on Industry Perspectives: Authorizing the Transportation Security Administration for FY 2012 and 2013 on Tuesday, July 12, 2011. The only labor representative on the aviation panel, AFA testimony was given by AFA Air Safety, Health and Security Director Christopher Witkowski. The testimony addressed the continuing need for meaningful Flight Attendant security and self defense training in the post-9/ll era, despite the fact that Congress has passed three different bills mandating security training. The airline industry lobby has stood staunchly in favor of voluntary rather than mandatory training. Industry was well represented on the panel. The other panelists included representatives from the Air Transport Association, the Cargo Airline Association and the Aircraft Manufacturers Association. AFA written testimony: July 12, 2011 Testimony DHS/TSA
Download: July 12_2011 House Testimony - FINAL.pdf